EXPOSED: THE DEBT SECRET BANKS HIDE FROM YOU - And How South Africans are Breaking Free

Dream Big, Live Debt-Free with Our Revolutionary Solution


Don't despair - thousands have found financial freedom with our transformative approach


  • Debbie desperately needed the endless creditor calls to stop and finally be able sleep at night again. 
  • Shaun dreamt of a debt-free life where he could move forward without the massive weight on his shoulders.
  • Vusi was tired of the ever-growing debts, interest, and fees and had to take charge before he lost his house.


Sounds familiar?


Millions of South African's suffer from debt, but, finally, there's light at the end of the tunnel. 


Shaun, Debbie, Vusi, and hundreds of others have found the key to financial freedom and escaped the jaws of debt with our help.


And so can you.


Say goodbye to stress and worry with our life-changing debt solution. 


Embrace manageable debt payments, swift clearance, asset protection, peace of mind, and control.


A Beacon of Hope, 


Introducing Consumersave - a beacon of hope in a sea of financial worries.


Unlike the run-of-the-mill debt review or consolidation services, this is a transformative experience that's changing lives across South Africa.


I'm Jacques, your trusty guide on this quest for financial freedom. 


Our unique approach not only helps you pay off debts swiftly but also shields your hard-earned assets. 


Just imagine the peace of mind of knowing you're debt-free AND your financial assets are secure.


  • Experience the freedom of more manageable monthly payments that won't strain your income. 
  • Forget stressful negotiations with creditors: our expert team will handle those conversations, allowing you to focus on your dreams.
  • Conquer debt, transform your life, and navigate toward financial success.


Ready to embark on a transformative journey toward financial freedom? 


Take the first step by completing our FREE, no-obligation 30-second assessment. No contact details needed!


Don't suffer debt any longer. 


Join the Ranks of Debt Escapees...​

Safe, Confidential, and Instant: Get Your Personalized Debt Reduction Plan Today. No Impact on Your Credit Score, Just a Clear Solution Tailored to Your Needs. No contact details needed


Debbie Schultz

1 review

3 days ago

I never thought I'd escape the crushing weight of debt. But Consumersave turned my life around. I've paid off half my debt already and for the first time, I feel hopeful about my financial future. Truly a lifesaver.



Shaun Abrahams

2 reviews

7 days ago

When I was overwhelmed with debt, I felt like I was drowning. Consumersave was my lifeline, helping me regain control and finally breathe again. Today, I'm on my way to a debt-free life. I really can't thank them enough for all your help!



Vusi Sithole

1 review

5 days ago

Before I found Consumersave, my life was consumed by the crushing weight of my debt. I struggled to make ends meet, and the constant calls from creditors made me feel like there was no way out. Now that is all gone thanks to them.



Got questions about your journey to financial freedom? We've got answers...


What if I have a low credit score? Can I still get help?

A low credit score isn't a barrier with us. We've designed our debt relief solutions to cater to a wide range of credit profiles. We craft a personalized plan that suits each individual's circumstances, irrespective of their credit past.


Can I trust your services?

Trust is at the heart of what we do. Our track record is built on years of experience and a multitude of satisfied clients. We pride ourselves on our transparency, ensuring that every client feels secure throughout their journey with us.


Are your services expensive?

We believe in making our services accessible, which means there is no out of pocket cost for you, should you decide to proceed. Our fee is built into the debt reduction we provide for you. You will have less debt, lower payments, no more interest or fees. We only get a small fee if we save you money.


What if I'm constantly getting calls from creditors?

We take over communication with creditors, bringing an end to the relentless calls. This allows our clients to focus on rebuilding their financial stability while we provide the necessary support and representation.


What if I have multiple debt accounts?

Managing multiple debt accounts is our specialty. We consolidate debts into a single repayment plan, making it simpler to manage financial obligations and regain control over finances.


What if I'm afraid of legal action?

Our team is well-versed in the legal aspects of debt relief. We ensure that our clients are well-informed and protected throughout the process. We handle the complexities, allowing clients to concentrate on their journey to financial freedom.


What if I don't know much about debt relief?

We're passionate about empowering our clients through knowledge. Our expert advisors provide a thorough understanding of the available debt relief options and guide clients at every step of the process.


Is the process time-consuming?

We value our clients' time. Our process is streamlined and our team is dedicated to ensuring that the journey towards debt relief is both efficient and effective. We handle the hard work, allowing clients to focus on rebuilding their financial future.


Will this process add to my stress?

Our aim is to reduce stress, not increase it. We offer comprehensive support, expert guidance, and continuous assistance to help clients confidently navigate their debt relief journey. We take on the burden, enabling clients to regain their peace of mind.


What if I'm skeptical about debt relief services?

Skepticism is understandable, especially based on past experiences. However, our track record speaks volumes. Numerous individuals have found their path to financial freedom through our services, transforming their financial lives for the better.


How can I start my journey towards financial freedom?

Ready to overcome financial hurdles? The first step towards financial freedom is just a quick and confidential form away. Start the journey today.

*Over 62 794 South Africans helped out of R487 326 327 debt. 4.7 out of 687 reviews